Weekends never last long enough, do they?! I’d be all for a 5-day weekend and a 2-day work week, lol. Anyway…I’m still home for the holidays and here’s what I did this weekend…
Shout out to the Houston Association of Black Journalists. I was honored to sit on their panel of media veterans sharing our career experiences during the HABJ Student Mentoring Breakfast.

All the kids (students, I mean…Anyone younger than me, I call the kids) were so eager to soak in all the career info we had to offer and they had so many great questions for us. It was funny, because everyone kept referring to us panelists as OG’s (original gangstas), lol. I always feel so youthful, so to be referred to as an OG made me giggle every time I heard it. But yes, I was absolutely honored to be a part of this event. I still vividly remember when I was a student eager to learn, soak in the knowledge from those who came before me and ready to take on my career in the media! So I felt a kinship with the kids. We all started somewhere and we all got somewhere because someone else reached out to give us a helping hand. I’m proud to be a link in that continuous chain.

That’s me & my brother, Stacey, in 2015 or 16. He’s a tall guy, isn’t he?! Growing up, I always hoped that I’d be tall like he was…but no such luck. One of the other things I did this weekend was join my brother at a funeral to pay respects to a family friend who passed away. Those moments are always sad, but death is a part of life and we have to show up to honor those who’ve passed on, if we can. That was on Saturday. On Sunday, I hung out with the best friends…

Those are my best friends posing in one of my favorite spots in lovely La Jolla when they visited me in San Diego a few years back. I have to tell you how much I’m really enjoying spending this quality time with my family & friends. I moved away from Houston in 2001 and although I visit often, I can only stay a week or two at a time. But since I’m currently between jobs, I have the luxury of spending the entire holiday season in Houston with my loved ones. I arrived here just before Thanksgiving & won’t be returning to SoCal until the end of December. This is the most time that I’ve been able to spend with my family in 18 years…what a blessing! Unless my next job turns out to be in Houston, I’m not sure when I’ll ever get to spend this much quality time with my loved ones…So I’m taking it all in & really appreciating the moments. My best friends and I have been best friends since beginning high school. So they’re pretty much like sisters at this point. I love them so much and I really enjoyed spending all day with them on Sunday. We stopped by a couple restaurants, a coffee house & caught up on a lot of girl talk.
So that was my weekend. What about yours? Lemme know what you got into in the comments below or on social media…

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