Thanks so Cindy Hsu and my friends at CBS New York for having me on the show to spread the word about my new podcast, “The Goodness Factor with Shelley Wade.” Be sure to click the previous link to listen & subscribe to the podcast, which is also available on the Audacy app, Apple podcasts & wherever you get your podcasts. Please also rate & comment on the podcast because it’ll help new listeners discover it! Keep scrolling to see behind-the-scenes pics & vids of my visit to CBS New York and watch my entire appearance on the YouTube video below…

“The Goodness Factor With Shelley Wade” Highlights the Good in People”
Shelley Wade, host of “The Goodness Factor With Shelley Wade” podcast joins CBS New York to talk about her show. Watch below and keep scrolling for the transcript of the interview.
There’s a lot going on in the world right now and a lot of it tends to be negative. But a new podcast just launched which hopes to give you a break from all of that by focusing on good people doing good things. It’s called “The Goodness Factor with Shelley Wade” and she is the host of Audacy’s 94.7 The Block and is no stranger to the airwaves here in New York and Shelley joins me now. Good morning.
Hi guys, good morning.
I know you have three episodes out so far, I listened to all of them yesterday. Good. But for folks who haven’t been able to listen yet, tell us more about “The Goodness Factor” and why you decided to
start it.
So the goodness factor I…you know, I feel like we’re inundated with such terrible news all the time and it
can start to weigh on your spirit…especially if you’re a sensitive person like I tend to be. And I just felt
like, you know what, I’m going to do something about that. I’m going to contribute good news. And so it’s
called “The Goodness Factor” because I focus on good news and I shine the spotlight on good people
doing good things like you. I should have you on the podcast cuz you’re always putting positivity out there that’s why I love watching you every day.
Thank you.
Well I also like how you kind of break it up into three sections and you also you talk to celebrities and you
talk to you everyday people. So tell us a little bit about some of the stories that you’ve covered.
So the first episode I thought was absolutely perfect because you know how sometimes you can have an idea in your head and then when
you get it out there you’re questioning whether it’s going to resonate with people. But I decided to do the first episode on an organization called Look Good Feel Better and they’re wonderful. They help cancer patients cope with the appearance side effects of the cancer treatments. So they teach them
how to put their makeup on properly. Their looks are constantly changing so they teach them how to cope with those and make themselves feel better. So I had Rudy Miles, who actually did my makeup for
So I had Rudy Miles, who is a volunteer, come on the show. Also, Luanne Roark is the Executive
Director of Look Good Feel Better and we also had Suzanne Cormier come on the show and she’s a cancer patient…a cancer survivor. And just to look at Look Good Feel Better from all of their unique perspectives, it told a beautiful story and I feel like
it will resonate with people.
I think so, too. I mean it made you want to get involved right away. You also talk to LL Cool J about his philanthropy and you also talk to a wonderful etiquette expert and I learned so much.
I cannot wait to just hear what’s going to happen in the coming years cuz I know it’s going to be a huge success. So you’re a radio legend in New York…So what’s it like moving to podcasts?
Well you know I’m still doing radio, as you said earlier. I am on air on 94.7 The Block every afternoon, 2 to 7:00 p.m. You guys listen. But doing podcasts is just a natural extension and what I love about podcasts is that you get to express yourself in a more casual way than on the radio and so I love that and you can express you know different sides of your personality that you may not always get to express while you’re
on your radio show. I
just love it…I’ve loved it so far. Like you said, we have three episodes that
have already premiered and in future episodes I’ve got DMC from Run DMC, I’ve got Robert Glasper…Grammy Award-winner Robert Glasper on the way. I don’t know if you remember, but the
Grammys last year when Chris Brown felt like he was upset he didn’t win and he was like, “Who the f is Robert Glasper?” and then Robert Glasper responded in a way that’s so good and I can’t wait to
share that on on the on the podcast.
I’m so excited to hear all.
Thank you.
And congratulations.
Thank you for having me. You guys subscribe on the Audacy app and wherever you get your podcasts.

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