Hi there & welcome to my “All The Rage With Shelley Wade” blog. Janet Jackson’s heavy on my mind this week since announcing her new Black Diamond World Tour 2020 & popping up on a number of TV shows to chat about the tour…

Not to mention the fact that I’ve been getting tons of texts about Janet because my friends know that I’m a huge fan. So in the midst of all the Janet excitement this week, thought I’d share my throwback interview with Janet from 2006 live on the world famous Z100 in New York City! Okay so, full disclosure…I’m one of the biggest Janet Jackson fans you’ll ever meet, so being able to interview her was one of the biggest highlights of my entire radio career! Janet wasn’t in a rush, so we did a nice, wide-ranging interview and talked about so much: her brother Michael, 2Pac, Justin Timberlake and I even gave other Janet fans on opportunity to call in to the radio station & talk to her live on air! I split the interview up into 3 parts in the YouTube videos below. Take a listen, share this blog with all your friends who are Janet fans and keep scrolling down after the interview to find where to follow me on social media & podcast. LOVE YOU, JANET! <3

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